1992年 油彩、コラージュ・キャンバス
1992年 油彩、コラージュ・キャンバス
展覧会名称 | Kazu Wakita Exhibition 脇田和展 |
主催 | 一般財団法人 脇田美術館 |
開催期間 | 2024年6月7日(金)〜 11月24日(日) *会期中無休(展示替え・イベント等の臨時休館日を除く) |
開館時間 | 午前10時〜午後5時(7月1日〜9月1日までは午後6時/入館は閉館30分前まで) |
入館料 | 一般1,100円(1,000円)、大高生700円(600円)、 中学生以下 無料 *()内は20名様以上の団体料金です。その他の割引につきましてはお問い合わせください。 |
脇田和の 絵本原画展 |
特別展示(2F) | ●絵本『おだんごぱん』原画展 (ロシア民話・福音館書店刊)
※展示期間中入れ替えあり |
アクセス | ・ 電車 JR しなの鉄道、軽井沢駅より旧軽井沢銀座方面へ徒歩10分 ・ 車 上信越道 碓氷軽井沢インターより国道18号線を軽井沢方面へ入る |
所在地 | 〒389-0102 長野県軽井沢町旧道1570-4 アクセスマップはコチラ |
電話番号 | 0267-42-2639 Karuizawa@wakita-museum.com |
Name of exhibition |
Kazu Wakita Exhibition |
Sponsored by | Wakita Museum of Art |
Period | Friday, June 7, 2024 through Sunday, Nov. 24, 2024 *Open throughout the exhibition period (except for temporary closures for exhibit changes, events, etc.) |
Opening hours |
10:00am - 5:00pm (6:00pm from July 1st to September 1st/Last admission 30 minutes before closing) |
Admission fee |
Adults 1,100 yen (1,000 yen), High school and university students 700 yen (600 yen), Junior high school students and younger: Free * ( ) Prices for groups of 20 or more. Please contact us for other |
Kazu Wakita : Drawings and picture books. |
Special Exhibition hours |
Exhibition of original drawings from the picture book "Odango Pan" (Russian folk tale, published by Fukuinkan Shoten) Kazu Wakita made many drawings for numerous children's books from the late 1930s to the 1960s. Since its first publication in 1966, "Odango Pan" has been republished and has been passed down as a beloved book by generations. This exhibition will display the original drawings of "Odango Pan" as well as other drawings for children. ※Subject to change during the exhibition period |
Access | By Train: JR / Shinano Railway, 10 minutes walk to the old Karuizawa Ginza area from Karuizawa Station By Car: Enter Route 18 towards Karuizawa from Kamishinetsu Michi / Hakuhi Karuizawa Inter |
Address | 1570-4, Kyudo, Karuizawa-machi, Nagano Pref. 389-0102 Click here for the access map. |
Telephone number |
0267-42-2639 Karuizawa@wakita-museum.com |