鳥の詩が聴こえる - 脇田和の世界 -

2024年6月7日(金)〜 11月24日(日)

1992年 油彩、コラージュ・キャンバス

  • 自由に、大胆なフォルムと、柔らかく調和した色彩。
  • You can hear the birds songs - The world of Kazu Wakita -

    Friday, June 7, 2024 through Sunday, Nov. 24, 2024
  • Free and bold forms with soft, harmonious colors. Kazu Wakita's paintings; sometimes praised like playing music.
    The painter used to enjoy listening to Bach, we hear.
    There was also a time when he enjoyed playing jazz with fellow painters.
    Colors, music, and the motifs he loved Create a perfect rhythm.
    They exist and resonate with the hearts of those who see them.
    This is a large atelier that the artist loved.
  • 花の中「春の苑」
    1973-1974年 油彩・キャンバス
  • 葉と果実「花開く」
    1990年 油彩・キャンバス
  • 脇田和は、小磯良平や猪熊弦一郎らとともに新制作派協会を創立し、戦後は日米美術交流プログラムにも積極的に参加し、国内外で活動を続けていきました。身の周りの日常に注がれる温かなまなざしはいつもかわらず、さまざまな素材や技法への好奇心や、色と色が織りなす滑らかなリズムと美しさへの追求を、筆を置くその日まで止めることはありませんでした。
  • Together with Ryohei Koiso and Genichiro Inokuma, Wakita founded the Shinseisakuha Association, and after the war he actively participated in the Japan-US art exchange program, continuing his work both at home and abroad. Keeping the warm gaze cast on the everyday life around him remains the same, his curiosity about various materials and techniques, including his pursuit of the smooth rhythm and beauty of interwoven colors, never ceased, until the day he put down his brush.
    This exhibition will feature approximately 100 pieces, including oil paintings, drawings, and collages, centering on works from the 1970s, when Kazu Wakita moved his artistic residence to Karuizawa, to his later years.
    A large collection of his artwork spanning approximately 80 years can be enjoyed in every corner of the museum space.
  • 白い花とベラスケスの絵「鳥のいる館」
    1989年 油彩・キャンバス
  • 花の中「西瓜と鳥」
    1950年 油彩・キャンバス
  • 略歴

    脇田 和 KAZU WAKITA (1908−2005年)
  • Biography

    KAZU WAKITA (1908−2005)
    Born in Tokyo in 1908. He had a chance to move to Berlin at the age of 15 and entered the National Art School of Berlin at the age of 17. He was awarded a gold medal from the school in 1930, and returned to Japan. He was awarded his first prize at the Taihei Youga Kai in 1932, followed by many awards at Kofukai and the Imperial Fine Arts Academy Art Exhibition (Teikoku Bijutsu-in). Founded Shin Seisaku-ha Kyokai (currently Shin Seisaku Kyokai) with Ryohei Koiso and Genichiro Inokuma. After the war, in the 1950s, his works were exhibited at the Sao Paulo Biennale, the Venice Biennale, etc. He won the first Guggenheim International Art Award. He taught at Tokyo University of the Arts from 1959 to 1970. Atelier Villa designed by Junzo Yoshimura was completed in Karuizawa in 1970. “Wakita Museum of Art” was opened in 1991. A permanent gallery of Kazu Wakita's works was open at the Dai-ichi Life Headquarters Building in Tokyo, from 1995 to 2012. He passed away on November 27, 2005. His contributions were recognized with The Order of the Rising Sun in 1991, and Person of Cultural Merits in 1998. He was raised to Junior Fourth Court Rank after his death.


展覧会名称 Kazu Wakita Exhibition 脇田和展
主催 一般財団法人 脇田美術館
開催期間 2024年6月7日(金)〜 11月24日(日)
開館時間 午前10時〜午後5時(7月1日〜9月1日までは午後6時/入館は閉館30分前まで)
入館料 一般1,100円(1,000円)、大高生700円(600円)、
中学生以下 無料
特別展示(2F) ●絵本『おだんごぱん』原画展 (ロシア民話・福音館書店刊)


アクセス ・ 電車 JR しなの鉄道、軽井沢駅より旧軽井沢銀座方面へ徒歩10分
・ 車 上信越道 碓氷軽井沢インターより国道18号線を軽井沢方面へ入る
所在地 〒389-0102 長野県軽井沢町旧道1570-4
電話番号 0267-42-2639
Name of
Kazu Wakita Exhibition 
Sponsored by Wakita Museum of Art
Period Friday, June 7, 2024 through Sunday, Nov. 24, 2024
*Open throughout the exhibition period (except for temporary closures for exhibit changes, events, etc.)
10:00am - 5:00pm (6:00pm from July 1st to September 1st/Last admission 30 minutes before closing)
Adults 1,100 yen (1,000 yen), High school and university students 700 yen (600 yen),
Junior high school students and younger: Free
* ( ) Prices for groups of 20 or more. Please contact us for other
Special Exhibition
Exhibition of original drawings from the picture book "Odango Pan" (Russian folk tale, published by Fukuinkan Shoten)
Kazu Wakita made many drawings for numerous children's books from the late 1930s to the 1960s. Since its first publication in 1966, "Odango Pan" has been republished and has been passed down as a beloved book by generations. This exhibition will display the original drawings of "Odango Pan" as well as other drawings for children.
※Subject to change during the exhibition period
Access By Train: JR / Shinano Railway, 10 minutes walk to the old Karuizawa Ginza area from Karuizawa Station
By Car: Enter Route 18 towards Karuizawa from Kamishinetsu Michi / Hakuhi Karuizawa Inter
Address 1570-4, Kyudo, Karuizawa-machi, Nagano Pref. 389-0102
Click here for the access map.