
2024年10月12日(土)〜 11月24日(日)



  • Czech Illustrated Books for Children: In Search of New Possibilities

    October 12, 2024 (Sat) - November 24, 2024 (Sun)
  • The exhibition, titled "Czech Illustrated Books for Children: Beyond Paper Plane: In Search of New Possibilities," focuses primarily on children's books, and features a selection of works by artists and illustrators currently active in the Czech Republic that combine three-dimensional objects with art. A wide variety of techniques are used for illustration, including interactive and educational works, animation, textiles, optical films and photographs, metal plates, and various objects, which makes us understand the essence of materials, develop a sense of space and touch, and greatly develop creative sensibilities, through the creation of these works. It pushes the boundaries of picture book media alongside traditional techniques such as drawing, watercolor, printmaking and painting.
    Czech illustrated books for children have been sent all over the world. These children's books are unloaded and shipped to various continents. In Central Europe, banana boxes with sturdy lids have proven to be a practical and sustainable way to transport books, and the exhibition features shipping boxes inspired by sturdy banana crates designed in the 1960s by companies such as Chiquita and Fyffes. As a unique way to appreciate the exhibition, the exhibition will also feature the display and special features of the books in unique shipping boxes. The exhibition has been held in the Czech Republic, Tokyo, and South Korea, and is planned to travel to Taiwan. We, at our museum in Karuizawa, will exhibit works by artists curated from the touring works.
  • The Shooting RangeThe Shooting Range
    Ester Nemjó, Ivan Wernisch
    Meander社 2019年
  • City for EveryoneCity for Everyone
    David Böhm & Jiří Franta, Osamu Okamura
    Labyrint社 2021年
    (邦訳版『みんなの都市』鹿島出版会 2024年)
  • Dad and the Princess RosalieDad and the Princess Rosalie
    Marie Urbánková, Jan Jirků
    Albatros社 2020年
  • Dad and the Princess RosalieDad and the Princess Roslalie
    Marie Urbánková, Jan Jirků
    Albatros社 2020
  • City for EveryoneCity for Everyone
    David Böhm & Jiří Franta, Osamu Okamura
    Labyrint社 2021年
    (邦訳版『みんなの都市』鹿島出版会 2024年)
  • Whey Feeds PigletsWhey Feeds Piglets
    Jana Jandáčková, Barbora Baronová
    Verzone社 2018
  • Alice's Adventures in WonderlandAlice's Adventures in Wonderland
    Jan Švankmajer, Lewis Caroll (tr. Jaroslav Císař)
    Dybbuk社 2018
  • Embroidered Fairy TalesEmbroidered Fairy Tales
    Vendula Chalánková
    B4U社 2015
  • Hungry Bear TalesHungry Bear Tales
    Filip Pošívač, Zbyněk Černík, Milada Těšitelová
    Bionaut社 2021
  • Little Mouse's Encyclopedia - A Picture Book about the Wonders of NatureLittle Mouse's Encyclopedia
    - A Picture Book about the Wonders of Nature
    Filip Pošívač, Zbyněk Černík, Milada Těšitelová
    Běžíliška社 2016



Simultaneous exhibition: Kazu Wakita's original drawings for the picture books

In conjunction with this exhibition, we will be showcasing Kazu Wakita's original picture book artwork, as well as works used as drawings and illustrations in children's books. Wakita illustrated numerous children's books from the late 1930s through the 1940s and 1960s. Especially among them, "Odango Pan" (published by Fukuinkan Shoten Publishers,Inc.) has been reprinted since its first edition in 1964, and has been passed down as a beloved book by three generations and has also been published overseas.


日時 2024年10月12日(土)〜 11月24日(日) 10:00〜17:00(入館は16:30まで)
会場 脇田美術館 1F 同時開催:脇田和 絵本の原画展他 2F
主催 一般財団法人脇田美術館
共催 チェコセンター東京
協力 ヤマト運輸株式会社
後援 チェコ大使館、長野県、長野県教育委員会、軽井沢町、軽井沢町教育委員会、軽井沢観光協会、信濃毎日新聞社、FM 軽井沢
助成 公益財団法人野村財団
会場構成 HOAP
観覧料 一般 1,100円(1,000円) 大高生 700円(600円) 中学生以下 無料
アクセス ・ 電車 長野新幹線・しなの鉄道「軽井沢駅」下車 旧軽井沢銀座方面へ徒歩10分
・ 車 上信越道「碓氷軽井沢インター」から国道18号線を旧軽井沢方面へ約10km
所在地 〒389-0102 長野県北佐久郡軽井沢町旧道1570-4
電話番号 0267-42-2639

Event Outline

Date and Time Saturday, October 12th, 2024 - Sunday, November 24th, 2024
10:00-17:00 (last entry at 16:30)
Venue Wakita Museum of Art 1F
Simultaneous exhibition: Kazu Wakita picture book original illustrations exhibition, etc. 2F
Organized by: Wakita Museum of Art
Co-organized by: Czech Centre Tokyo
Cooperation Yamato Transport Co., Ltd.
Supported by: Embassy of the Czech Republic, Nagano Prefectural Government, Nagano Prefectural Board of Education, Karuizawa Town, Karuizawa Town Board of Education, Karuizawa Tourist Association, The Shinano Mainichi Shimbun,Inc. , FM Karuizawa
Grant Nomura Foundation
Venue Design HOAP
Admission fee Adults: 1,100 yen (1,000 yen), High school and university students :700 yen (600 yen), Junior high school students and younger: Free
Open throughout the exhibition period (except for temporary closures for exhibition changes, events, etc.)
Access ・ By train: Nagano Shinkansen/Shinano Railway, get off at Karuizawa Station, then walk 10 minutes towards Old Karuizawa Ginza
・ By car: From the Joshinetsu Expressway "Usui Karuizawa Interchange", take National Route 18 towards Kyu-Karuizawa for about 10 km.
Location Kyudo 1570-4, Karuizawa-machi, Kitasaku-gun, Nagano Prefecture 〒389-0102
Click here for Access Map
Telephone: 0267-42-2639